Thursday, November 29, 2012

Detachment (film)

Detachment is a 2011 American drama about the high school education system
 directed by Tony Kaye, starring Adrien Brody with an ensemble supporting cast.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

the female counterpart to Freud’s concept of castration anxiety

Penis Envy:

Penis envy is the female counterpart to Freud’s concept of castration anxiety. In his theory of psychosexual development, Freud suggested that during the phallic stage (around ages 3-5) young girls distance themselves from their mothers and instead devote their affections to their fathers.
According to Freud, this occurs when a girl realizes that she has no penis. "Girls hold their mother responsible for their lack of a penis and do not forgive her for their being thus put at a disadvantage," Freud suggested (1933).

Read more here

Monday, November 19, 2012


We  cannot,  however,  define human  prostitution  simply  as  the  use  of  sexual responses for an ulterior purpose. This  would  include a great portion  of  all  social  behavior,  especially  that  of  women.  It  would  include  marriage, for  example,  wherein  women  trade  their  sexual  favors  for  an  economic and social status supplied by men.9 It would include the employment  of  pretty  girls  in  stores,  cafes,  charity  drives,  advertisements.  It  would include all the feminine arts that  women use in pursuing ends that  require men  as  intermediaries,  arts  that  permeate  daily  life,  and,  while  not generally involving actual intercourse, contain and utilize erotic stimulation.

But looking at the subject in this way  reveals one thing. The  basic element  in  what  we  actually  call  prostitution the  employment  of  sex  for  non-sexual ends within  a competitive-authoritative  system-characterizes  not simply prostitution  itself  but  all of our institutions  in which sex is involved,  notably  courtship  and wedlock.  Prostitution  therefore resembles,  from one  point  of  view,  behavior  found in  our most  respectable  institutions. It  is one  end  of  a long sequence or gradation of  essentially  similar  phenomena that  stretches  at  the  other  end  to such  approved patterns  as  engagement and marriage. What, then, is the difference between  prostitution and these other institutions  involving sex?
The  difference  rests  at  bottom  upon  the  functional  relation  between  society  and sexual institutions.  It  is through these institutions  that  erotic  gratification is made dependent on, and subservient to, certain co-operative  performances inherently  necessary  to  societal  continuity.  The  sexual  institutions  are distinguished by the fact that  though they  all provide gratification, they  do not  all tie it to the same social functions. (…) This  explains  why they  are differently evaluated  in the  eyes  of the mores.

The  institutional  control of sex follows three  correlative lines.  First,  it  permits,  encourages, or  forces various  degrees of sexual  intimacy  within  specific  customary  relations,  such  as  courtship,  concubinage,  and  marriage.  Second, to  bolster this  positive  control,  it  discourages sexual  intimacy in all other situations,  e.g., when the persons are not potential mates  or when they are already mated to other persons." Finally, in what is really  a  peculiar  category  of  the  negative  rules,  it  absolutely  prohibits  sexual  relations  in  certain specified situations.  This  last  form  of  control  refers  almost exclusively to incest taboos,  which  reinforce the first-named (positive)  control by banishing the disruptive forces of sexual competition from  the  family  group.

These  lines  of  control  are present  no  matter  what  the  specific kind  of  institutional system. There may be monogram,  polygyny,  or concubinage;  wife exchange or religious prostitution;  premarital chastity  or unchastity.  The important point is not the particular kind of concrete institution,  but  the  fact that  without  the  positive  and negative  norms there  could be no  institutions  at  all.  Since social  functions  can  be  performed only  through  institutional patterns, the  controls are indispensable to the  continuance of  a  given  social system.

Read all the text here

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Rock Music in China

“Fuelled by the new sounds that entered China's illegal doorways, and driven by a desire to move beyond the stereotypical hard rock idiom, new bands started to experiment with different sounds. Today, sounds ranging from hardcore punk to deep house can be heard from Urumqi to Beijing. Let's get dakou'ed!

By the end of the twentieth century a new generation emerged in urban China, named after the cut CDs available at illegal markets in Chinese cities. The cut on the margin of these ‘dakou’ CDs, as they are called in Chinese, has brought this young generation to the centre of global music culture. One of its followers writes on a website: ‘When Americans fiercely give themselves a cut, they also give the world a possibility of communism and unity. Our government doesn’t encourage 1.3 billion people to listen to rock and roll. “Dakou” products usher a million Chinese youth into a new wave, a new listening sensibility, a new awareness, a new mind and a new set of values.’ ‘Dakou’ stands for far more than just CDs that infringe copyright legislation; it stands for a lifestyle very much in vogue among China’s urban youth.”

Read all about it here

Chinese rock

Chinese Rock Band • LUOQI

罗琦 = 金属般穿透力的嗓音 + 颠覆性的个人生活

The official Marlene Dietrich web site

 Marlene Dietrich web site

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Marquis de Sade' s Justine

They were given twenty-four hours to leave the convent; into their hands, together with their five score crowns, was thrown the responsibility to provide for themselves as they saw fit. Delighted to be her own mistress, Juliette spent a minute, perhaps two, wiping away Justine's tears, then, observing it was in vain, she fell to scolding instead of comforting her;she rebuked Justine for her sensitiveness; she told her, with a philosophic acuity far beyond her years, that in this world one must not be afflicted save by what affects one personally; that it was possible to find in oneself physical sensations of a sufficiently voluptuous piquancy to extinguish all the moral affections whose shock could be painful; that it was all the more essential so to proceed, since true wisdom consists infinitely more in doubling the sum of one's pleasures than in increasing the sum of one's pains; that, in a word, there was nothing one ought not do in order to deaden in oneself that perfidious sensibility from which none but others profit while to us it brings naught but troubles. But it is difficult to harden a gentle good heart, it resists the arguments of a toughened bad mind, and its solemn satisfactions console it for the loss of the bel-esprit's false splendors.

Juliette, employing other resources, then said to her sister, that with the age and the figure they both of them had, they could not die of hunger .She cited the example of one of their neighbors' daughters who, having escaped from her father's house, was presently very royally maintained and far happier, doubtless, than if she had remained at home with her family; one must, said Juliette, take good care to avoid believing it is marriage that renders a girl happy;that, a captive under the hymeneal laws, she has, with much ill-humor to suffer, a very slight measure of joys to expect; instead of which, were she to surrender herself to libertinage, she might always be able to protect herself against her lovers' moods, or be comforted by their number.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thailand today

News from Thailand

Yingluck Shinawatra
"Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra exchanged views on economic and financial issues with other leaders of Asia and Europe at the ninth Asia-Europe Meeting, or ASEM 9.
The meeting, held in Vientiane, Lao PDR, on 5-6 November 2012, Prime Minister Yingluck cited a “New Silk Route” as an example of connectivity between Asia and Europe, in addition to the existing maritime and air transport. She urged the two regions to support land transport networks between them, as well. 
The Prime Minister said that another long-term project is a high-speed train system linking Thailand with China and connecting further with Russia and Europe through the Trans-Siberian Railway. The complementary networks would be an option for goods transportation from Southeast Asia to Europe. This connectivity, supported by similar regulations on cross-border transport, would promote better flows for trade and investment."
Read all about it here.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

$$$ Ke$ha - We R Who We R $$$

Ke$ha - We R Who We R

Jack London

This man had saved his life, which was something; but, further, he was the ideal master. Other men saw to the welfare of their dogs from a sense of duty and business expediency; he saw to the welfare of his as if  they were his own  children, because he could not help it. And he saw  further. He never forgot a kindly greeting or a cheering word, and to sit  down for  a  long  talk  with  them  (“gas”  he called  it)  was  as  much his  delight as theirs. He had a way of taking Buck’s head roughly between  his hands, and resting his own head upon Buck’s, of shaking him back  and forth, the while calling him ill names that to Buck were love names. Buck  knew  no  greater  joy  than  that  rough  embrace and  the sound of  murmured oaths, and at each jerk back and forth it seemed that his heart  would be shaken out  of his  body, so great was its  ecstasy. And when,  released, he sprang to his feet, his mouth laughing, his eyes eloquent, his  throat  vibrant  with unuttered  sound,  and  in  that  fashion  remained  without movement, John Thornton would reverently exclaim, “God! you  can all but speak!”