Friday, December 14, 2012

Lesbianism in the Chinese of Hong Kong

Chinese  chronicles  and  historical  sources  reveal  two  areas  in  which lesbianism  was  common:  the  harem  and  certain  provinces  in  Canton.  In ancient  China  keeping  concubines  was  a  privilege  of  the  emperors  or  the wealthy.  A  man's  wealth  was  measured  by  the  number  of  concubines  he
kept.  "A  duke  can  take  nine  concubines  at  one time,  an  emperor  can  take twelve concubines at one time," is a passage found in the Kung-yang Tsuen. The  Li-Chi (The Book of Rites) states  that  until  the  age  of  50  a  husband should  enter  the  pleasure pavilion  of  his  wife  once  every third  day,  of  his concubines  every fifth  day.  But  the  number  of  concubines  made  this prescription  a physical impossibility.  The  lack  of sexual  outlet,  the  social isolation,  and  the  close  proximity  of  women  made  the  harem  a  fertile ground  for the  development of lesbian relationships.  Van  Gulik (1961)  and Humana  and  Wang  (1971)  have  described  such  practices  in detail. In addition to pudendal  contact,  clitoral stimulation,  and  cunnilingus,  the use of  artificial  penises  was  also  favored.  The  existence  of  various  artificial penises  made  of  polished  ivory  or lacquered  wood  serves  to  illustrate  the degree  of  sophistication  of  lesbian  practice  in  China.  In  a  Ming  period painting,  such  a  dildo  is illustrated in  a  lesbian  love scene. A  double-~nded dildo with two loops of silk cord in  the middle was  also  used to  enable both partners to obtain simultaneous  pleasure. Lesbian practice was also encouraged by the husband in order to  help him  conserve  his  sexual  energy.  The legendary Yellow  Emperor,  in  his chapter called Hsiian-nui-Ching, described the following posture:
Lady Precious Yin and Mistress White Jade lay on top. of each other, their legs entwined so that their jade gates (genitalias) pressed together. They then moved in a rubbing and jerking fashion against each other like fishes gabbing flies or water plants from the surface. As they became more excited,  the  "mouths" widen and Lesbianism  in the Chinese of Hong Kong  23 choosing his position carefully, Great Lord Yang thrusts between them with his jade root (penis). They moved in unison until all three shared the ultimate simultaneously. The triple flow of essence will strengthen bones and sinews as well as the breathing. It  will  also assist  the  Great  Lord  Yang  to  avoid  the  Five  Overstrainings  and  the Seven Sex-injuries.
In the harem, women turned to lesbianism because of social isolation.  In the provinces of Canton,  on the other hand,  women who were free and economically  independent  formed  lesbian  relationships.  Chen  (1928) described  the  practice  of  lesbianism  among  women  employed in  the  silk industry  in  three  provinces:  Shun-te,  P'an-Yii,  and  Hsi-Ch'iao. The Gazetteer  of  Chinese  Customs  (1935) documented  the  formation  of  the Golden  Orchid  Association  in these  provinces.  The members  of  this association  were exclusively  females.  Whenever  two  members  of  the association  developed  deep  feelings  for  each  other,  certain  rites  of "marriage" were  performed.  For such a  "marriage" to  be  permitted,  one partner was designated the "husband." The first step consisted of offering to the intended partner  a  gift of peanut  candies,  honey,  and  other sweets. Once this was accepted, a night-long celebration attended by mutual female friends followed. From then on the couple would live  as  "man and wife." Sexual practices like genital contact called "grinding bean curd" or the use of dildos were described. The couple could also adopt female children and these children could inherit the property of their "parents".

Read all doc. here!

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